Airshare XYZ
Reduce the risk andcost of bird strikes
The Airshare wildlife project objective is to provide airports with an understanding of what actions are being taken to reduce the presence of wildlife in other airports, and what effect they have, thereby enabling the best possible wildlife control and reduction programs in each individual airport. To clarify and determine the actions, we designed a survey.
Create an understandingof what is being done
All questions asked in the survey have a direct link to an international recommendation or a legal requirement. The fact that there is a requirement somewhere in the world, does not mean that it is a requirement at your airport, nor does it mean that all mitigating actions must be implemented. The order of the questions does not reflect a priority, nor is it a reflection of one action being more relevant than another.
All destinations areasked to participate
Currently, we are inviting all airports that British Airways, Thomas Cook, Condor, Norwegian, Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, Aerologic, Air Dolomiti, Brussels Airlines, Edelweiss Air, Pegasus, Widerøe, and Danish Air Transport fly to, to participate in the project. The support for the project is overwhelming, and we are expecting many more airports and airlines to join the next year. The airlines who are onboard operate more than 500 airports.

Implementation rate
Below you can see the first part of an analysis of the implementation rate of “active mitigating measures”. The implementation rate is the percentage of participating airports that have implemented the specific mitigating measure.
There are 6 sections in the questionnaire, active management shown above is the first.

Big data and effect of mitigation
The next step is to understand the effect of an active measure. In the example below we are looking at the effect of pyrotechnical actions towards different species, you can see the average number of shots fired pr. action on a species-specific level.
Are you more or less effective when using pyrotechnical shots, compared to the average?

Data from 10 European airports August 2017
Imagine that you could see data from 1000 airports, and compare the different types of mitigation towards the high-risk species at your airport. There is no requirement for you to share your bird controller recording data, but if you do, you will be part of creating essential safety information for you and for your colleagues. Your information will be available to the airlines. Information will also be used for statistical analysis but shown anonymously as implementation rates or effect.
You approve to share the information – no one else
Upon receiving the first request from one of the airlines flying to your airport, you fill out the questionnaire and then approve to share the information.
Airshare XYZ – Making data exchange easy
Starting with a focus on wildlife mitigating actions, Ascend has developed a “one point of entry” data exchange service for the aviation industry. Once the data is entered, the airports can share it with a new airline with a single click on a button. The airlines can easily add new destinations to the service, and as airports update the entered information on their subscription, it is automatically updated on the Airlines’ subscription.

The long-term goal
There is a constant flow of operational & safety related information between airports and airlines. This flow is needed to keep operations safe and effective, but it is time-consuming and complex.
The long-term goal is to enable users to share all types of information that aren´t covered by Aeronautical Information Publications. Airshare XYZ allows the airport to share this information with their airlines with only one click, and the airlines get their data in the same streamlined format for all their destinations.
Enter the data one time – share it a hundred times
Allow us to give an example: One of our users, a regional airport receives multiple information requests from each of their 30 airlines annually. This information must be delivered upon request and often in different formats. On the other end of the line is the airline, that potentially flies to 200+ airports, and must retrieve information 200+ times. This is time consuming for all parties and, it makes the information difficult to decipher and compare.
User requests
If you have any feedback or development requests please contact us at [email protected]. Your feedback is essential for the project.
Regulatory Requirements
Here you can find links to all the regulatory requirements we are referring to in the questions asked.