The AirshareXYZ project is focusing on establishing a collaborative industry approach to wildlife management in order to secure safe and continuous uninterrupted operations for airlines and passengers.

The immediate project focus is to gather experience and feedback from airports in order to create an understanding of the most effective wildlife management actions and establish a knowledge sharing ecosystem. The AirshareXYZ is an attempt to identify key factors and concrete elements of an efficient wildlife control and reduction plan and share this knowledge across the industry.

In other words, the AirshareXYZ project is  crowdsourcing the best possible wildlife control and reduction practices.

In the first part of the project, the use of different types of mitigating actions has been mapped out across destinations around the world that are participating in the AirshareXYZ project. The next phase will be to ask airports to share their experience on the use of mitigating measures, efficiency, species, etc. The vision is to give airports access to experience and knowledge from peers at other airports, as well as actively communicating with airlines where and how the risk can be reduced.

The initial survey has been sent out to 700+ airports worldwide. The follow-up questionnaire will be drafted at the WBA Conference during the Data & Oversight workshop, using the experience of worldwide experts. We would appreciate your input during this process – join us at the workshop at the WBA meeting. You can sign up here.

Collaboration is the key to success! It is important to understand that the AirshareXYZ project is not an assessment; it is an attempt to establish a cross-industry collaboration. The results of the project will be published on the AirshareXYZ project website, where you can also find monthly progress reports and much more.

Airport participation is essential– but completely voluntary. Airports approve with whom they wish to share their data. In all public analyses data is anonymised to a continental level.

See you in Warsaw on 19-23 of November 2018 – remember to sign up!