75% of airports participating in the Airshare XYZ project record hazardous birds at sites that attract birds. We found something new in the field of airport safety, that might help identify hazardous sites and would like to share it with you.
The Danish company Wildetect has developed a device called “BirdAlert” that monitors the sounds from different bird species.
BirdAlert is an intelligent system that recognizes specific species of birds, by listening for them through the special BirdAlert microphone. In 250-meter radius, the system recognizes rooks, gulls, geese, and starlings by their unique sound.
Most airports are monitoring sites in the surroundings by visual inspection. This process is time-consuming. Furthermore, it does not give the full assessment of the wildlife activity, since it is not done very often. BirdAlert listens to the sounds for you 24/7. The information can be made available to you, in an easy to use web solution. This gives you a valuable insight and helps to identify the hazardous sites where action needs to be taken. The system runs on solar power and is self-sustained. The bird sounds are recorded and classified, data is sent to the web-service enabling both real-time actions and historical analysis.
If this is relevant to you, please give your feedback in the survey we made here.