Articles about

Ascend XYZ

Wildlife solution in the Magazine “The Engineer”

The European Space Agency film

ESA article & film (english)

Ascend: Space-based growth at its best!

ESA article & film (Italy)

ESA article & film (Spain)

ESA article & film (The Netherlands)

ESA article & film (Belgium)

ESA article & film (Portugal)

How ESA is helping Danish companies to grow

Tweet on how the Danish Space Hotline helps companies

How Ascend enables airports to use EO to monitor landscape changes

ESA article re-published on

ESA article re-posted on, the space journal

ESA film re-posted on

ESA film and article re-posted in Hungary

ESA film and article re-posted on MeteoWeb

On how ESA satellites monitor wildlife at airports

Space24: how Ascend enables airports to monitor airport surroundings

ESA article reposted on

Intelligent Aerospace: on the ESA collaboration

The new now – repost of ESA article

Norway and the Wildlife monitoring release

Blog post: University of Oxford, ECSAT Harwell

Airport ESA & Wildlife monitoring

ESA article (Iraque)